Art, // September 26, 2020

Mark Lloyd — ARTIST

Mark Lloyd

Interview with artist Mark Lloyd —


1. Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Mark David Lloyd and I am a British contemporary artist and a higher education lecturer.



2. Why art?
I have been making art as long as I can remember, art is just what I do.



3. What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist?
I have no memories of wanting to be an artist, I was always making art from a very young age, so I suppose I have always been an artist. However I did not quite realise how much hard work and time it would take to be an artist.



4. What are your favorite subject(s) and media(s)?
My favourite subjects are the arts all aspects of the arts; I do wavier from subject to subject or medium to medium over time, but painting always remains a constant interest. I have a keen interest in philosophy, mostly postmodern philosophy and I adore hard sci-fi.



5. How do you work and approach your subject?
All my work starts from a conceptual starting point. This take lots and lots of research on the subject that interests me, I then move onto sketches, collecting images and making collage. From there I make practical experiments, and then refine ideas and works in progress. I am in favour of art being; created, constructed, and critiqued in an objective not subjective manner and approach.



6. What are your favorite art work(s), artist(s)?
My favourite art and artists changes constantly. Currently I am interested in Piero Dele Francesca, Alexander Rodchenko and the constructivists, Gerhard Richter, Jenny Saville, Stanley Kubrick, conceptual CGI, ideas of Slavoj Žižek, Kerry James Marshall, art from the stable of Carracci, and Jean-Michel Basquiat.



7. What are the best responses you have had to your work?
The best responses or the responses I most value are when my peers are interested or enjoy my work, although financial interest from collectors is always welcomed!



8. What do you like about your work?
I like that my work is broad and not narrow both in concepts and in how work is made and constructed. I work on both figurative and abstract pieces, sculpture and printmaking,, digital and practical. Although as I get older I do find myself painting more often. I remember at art school being warned ‘try not to paint yourself into a corner’ by my tutor, I have never forgotten this advice.




9. What advice would you give to other artists?
Advice to other artists I would give would be to; keep going no matter what, follow your ideas through to the end no matter how hard, discuss your work and other artwork with other artists on a regular basis, enjoy making your work when you can, be persistent, don’t be afraid to change your work (even if it upsets the gallery who represents you), don’t rely on subjective approaches to justify your practice, absorb ideas from all art forms, and be prepared to work hard.



10. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
In good health and still making work, hopefully a few more galleries and collectors financially interested in my work!!!



Mark Lloyd




