Art, // March 6, 2017

Lourhraz Abdelaziz — ARTIST

Abdelaziz on right, with assistant

Abdelaziz on right, with assistant

Interview with artist Abdelaziz —




1. Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Lourhraz Abdelaziz, I’m a Moroccan artist. I’m a teacher of fine Arts at a public school in the city of Agadir. I have chosen to be an artist since I was young. Honestly my mother used to draw in my little board and that affected me so deeply. I feel so joyful while I express my feelings and emotions through using colors instead of words.





2. Why art?
I have chosen to be an artist since I was young. Honestly my mother used to draw in my little board and that affected me so deeply feel so joyful while I express my feelings and emotions through using colors instead of words.




3.What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist?
In fact, while I was a student at secondary school in 1986, I chose art. Because I had been so interested of other art’s news. Therefore I decided to study art. That was my beginning. The art is not an easy field as the artist works hardly so as to dig his soul and express and show what is inside himself including emotions and feelings.




4. What are your favorite subject(s) and media(s)?
As I see it, the medias should have meaningful and beautiful purposes as it is the only bridge that links the artists’ news and their fans. I’ve got variable ways as I love working on different paintings according to my daily feelings. That is to say, I can stop making a painting to start another successful one which suits my feelings.


5. How do you work and approach your subject?
I have chosen to be an artist since I was young. Honestly my mother used to draw in my little board and that affected me so deeply.




6. What are your favorite art work(s), artist(s)?
Although I’ve never made differences amo­ng artists, I am aff­ected by Pablo Picasso who is the most well kn­own, modern artis­t. Picasso had a spe­cial and new philoso­phy which brought ab­out a new revolution. It was the start of the Modern art. I like also the work of  Nicolas de Staël, a very revolutionary artist, and the gesticularity of Jackson Pollock in his wonderful paintings .




7. What are the best responses you have had to your work?
I don’t have any response on my paintings because each work has its own new breath, way and start and improvement.




8. What do you like about your work?
The most thing that I love about my painting, is my influence to the colors which reflex my daily life deep feelings and personality such as my clothes color which I wear.




9. What advice would you give to other artists?
In my point of view, any artist ought to be honest and modest.




10. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
I don’t think more about my future because I don’t foresee myself how to become after ten years. That’s why, I fully love to live the moment to know what to do and work. The human is free.









